Terms of Service

Last Modified: December 12, 2023

Greetings players,

These terms of service (the "Terms") set forth the terms and conditions under which Ninja Mobile provides access for you to use and enjoy our games, apps, websites, and other services (the "Ninja Mobile Services").


Please read these Terms carefully, paying special attention to the following items:


  11. LINKS


1.1. Can I create an account and use Ninja Mobile Services? (You need to be an adult or have permission from your parents or legal guardian.)

You will need a Ninja Mobile account to access various of our services. To create an account and use Ninja Mobile Services, you need to: (i) be an adult; (ii) be an emancipated minor; or (iii) have valid consent from your parents or legal guardian to be bound by these Terms. If you are not an adult or an emancipated minor, or do not understand this Clause, talk to your parents or legal guardian and ask for help. If you are a parent or legal guardian of a minor who creates an account with us, you and the minor accept and agree to be bound by these Terms. You are also responsible for all account usage and compliance with these Terms by the minor, including all purchases made on the account. You may not create or use an account or use any of Ninja Mobile Services on behalf of any other person, natural or legal, or for commercial purposes.

1.3. Do I need to provide my real name and other information? (Yes. Please do not try to come up with funny names like "DefinitelyNotBlitzcrank" or "NoWayUdyr.")

You must always provide us with accurate and complete information, including your real name.

1.5. Can I share or sell my account or login credentials? (No.)

When you create an account with us, we ask you to choose a unique username and password (together, your "Login Credentials"). You agree that:

You must notify us immediately if you become aware of any security breach, including unauthorized access to the account or loss, theft, or unauthorized use or disclosure of your Login Credentials or payment information, so that we can take appropriate action. You are responsible for all losses (including loss or use of Virtual Content) in your account if you have shared your Login Credentials or failed to keep your account or Login Credentials secure.


2.1. How can my account be suspended or terminated? (If you violate the rules, our Ninjas will pay a visit to your account!)

2.1.1. You. You can terminate or suspend your account at any time by contacting us through the support email: ninjamobile.help@gmail.com

2.1.2. We. We may terminate or suspend your account if it is reasonably determined that:

  1. you violated any part of these Terms (including User Rules);
  2. doing so would be in the best interest of our community or Ninja Mobile Services or is necessary to defend the rights of third parties;
  3. we stop offering Ninja Mobile Services in your region (although we will usually provide notice reasonably in advance on our website, app, or game if we plan to stop offering a major feature of a game or all Ninja Mobile Services in your region);
  4. you have not paid any amounts owed to us (except in cases of our gross negligence or willful misconduct) or if we have to refund someone due to unauthorized use of a payment debited from your account; or
  5. you have made (or if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that you have made) unauthorized use of another person's payment information.

We may make these determinations with the help of automated systems and machine learning tools or using other methods we consider appropriate. If you believe we made a mistake, contact us with details, and we will review your case, although we may suspend your account during our review. You may also contest our decisions (see Clause 16).

2.2. Will Ninja Mobile keep my account forever, even if I stop using it? (If you abandon your account for a very long period, we may terminate it after sending you a notification for an opportunity to reactivate it.)

If you do not use your account for an extended period, Ninja Mobile reserves the right to take action regarding your account, including suspension or termination. If we intend to take action regarding your account based on an extended period of inactivity, you will be informed first (e.g., by email to the email address registered in your account), and you will have ample opportunity to avoid such measures (e.g., account deletion).

2.3. What happens if Ninja Mobile terminates my account? (You will be unable to play and will lose access to any purchases, including Game Currency and Virtual Products.)

If your account is terminated, you will no longer have access to your account, including associated data or Virtual Content (including Game Currency) (although this does not limit or affect any rights you may have under data protection or consumer protection laws). When we terminate your account for a legitimate reason (e.g., if you violated these Terms):

You understand and agree that by using Ninja Mobile Services, there is a risk of your account being terminated or suspended in accordance with these Terms. Whenever you use Ninja Mobile Services, keep this risk in mind and always behave appropriately.


3.1. What can I do with Ninja Mobile Services? (You can enjoy Ninja Mobile Services for your own personal, non-commercial use.)

We grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license to use and enjoy Ninja Mobile Services (and any Virtual Content) solely for individual, non-commercial, entertainment purposes and expressly conditioned upon your adherence to the terms of this Agreement. If we terminate your account, any license granted to you for Ninja Mobile Services, as well as Virtual Content, will be automatically terminated. Unless expressly authorized by Ninja Mobile otherwise in a written and signed contract, you may not sell, copy, trade, lend, reverse engineer, decompile, derive source code, translate, lease, pledge, transfer, publish, assign, or otherwise distribute any of Ninja Mobile Services or any intellectual property of Ninja Mobile, including any of our computer code or Virtual Content.


4.1. What is Virtual Content? (Virtual Content includes items like game currency and virtual products, such as champions, skins, emotes, accessories, etc.)

By using Ninja Mobile Services, we may offer you opportunities to acquire a limited license to access virtual goods, such as champions, skins, emotes, etc., ("Virtual Products"), and game currency ("Game Currency"), associated with your account (together referred to as "Virtual Content").

The Game Currency can only be used for the specific game for which it was purchased, unless otherwise stated at the time of purchase.

4.2. How do I get a "license" to access Virtual Content? (Buy, earn, or receive.)

We may offer you various opportunities to acquire a limited license to access Game Currency or Virtual Content, including:

  1. purchase it (e.g., with a credit card);
  2. earn it (e.g., by completing missions or game tasks); or
  3. receive it (e.g., from another player as a gift or use crafting functionality like Hextech®).

4.3. Do I "own" the Virtual Content I unlock? (No. What you "unlock" is not the virtual product itself but a limited, non-transferable license to access it.)

You do not own any property or rights to any Virtual Content you unlock, regardless of how you gained access to it. Virtual Content has no monetary value. You cannot transfer (unless we allow it in the functionality of Ninja Mobile Services) or redeem Virtual Content for any real-world money. You cannot get any refund for the purchase of a license to access Virtual Content, except as expressly permitted by us.

4.4. Once again: I don't own my Virtual Content, right? ("No!", shouted all the lawyers.)

When you obtain our Virtual Content, what we are really offering you is a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable, limited right and license to use that Virtual Content only in connection with your use of the relevant Ninja Mobile Services.

Notwithstanding any contrary provision herein, you acknowledge and agree that you will have no ownership rights or any other type of rights to your account, and all rights to your account are and will always be owned by Ninja Mobile and will revert to its benefit. You also acknowledge and agree that you have no ownership, proprietary, or other exclusive right to any Virtual Content, regardless of any consideration offered or paid in exchange. Additionally, except (1) in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence, (2) to the extent these Terms provide otherwise, or (3) as otherwise required by applicable law, Ninja Mobile will not be liable in any way for the destruction, deletion, modification, compromise, hacking, or any other damage or loss of any kind caused to Virtual Content, including the deletion of Virtual Content after the termination or expiration of your account or our reasonable changes to Ninja Mobile Services.

4.5. Will my Virtual Content always be available? (Not necessarily, no.)

In an effort to continually improve Ninja Mobile Services, develop our games, and keep Ninja Mobile Services secure, fun, and protected, we have the right to delete, alter, move, remove, re-package, re-price, or transfer any and all Game Content, including Virtual Content, in whole or in part, at any time, with or without notice to you, to the extent permitted by law. For example, your Virtual Products may (and likely will) evolve over time to enhance Ninja Mobile Services (including for game balance, bug fixes, or graphical improvements) or for regulatory or legal reasons. If we decide to completely withdraw certain Virtual Products you have recently purchased, we will provide you with a refund or a replacement. We will not delete your Game Currency without prior notice (via posts on our website, app, or game), unless your account is terminated for a legitimate reason or by you in accordance with Clause 2.1.1. Sometimes, we may change the purchasing power of the Game Currency (for example, we may increase the number of Game Currency required to purchase Virtual Products like skins). We usually do this only in progressive steps, but you will be notified (through posts on our website, app, or game) if we intend to make changes that significantly negatively affect your Game Currency. We do not provide or guarantee, and expressly deny, any value, whether monetary or otherwise, attributed to any data residing on the servers we operate or control, including any Game Content or Virtual Content assigned to your account. If we allow you to sell or transfer your right to access certain Game Content or Virtual Content, this can only be done through services approved or provided by us, if any.


5.1. Is everything in Ninja Mobile Services free? (No.)

Some aspects of Ninja Mobile Services may require you to pay a fee, and you agree to provide accurate and complete payment information to us or a third-party payment administrator used by us. You also agree to pay all applicable fees and taxes incident to your account. We may adjust the prices of any part of Ninja Mobile Services at any time (with future effect, i.e., except for what you have already acquired). This may affect the purchasing power of your Game Currency, although we usually do so only in gradual steps. All fees and charges are due under the payment terms in effect at the time the fee or charge becomes payable. Occasionally, we may modify, alter, or supplement our fees and billing methods with future effect, and these changes will take effect immediately upon posting in these Terms or elsewhere on our websites, apps, or games. Except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct, if you fail to pay the amounts you owe us, or if we have to refund someone due to the unauthorized use of a payment made on your account, we may suspend or terminate your account. Refer to Clause 2 (Account Termination) for more information.

Subject to applicable law, any applicable fees and other charges for value-based services (including Game Currency) are prepaid and non-refundable in whole or in part, except as expressly provided in these Terms or in our refund policy. Except in cases of gross negligence, willful misconduct by Ninja Mobile, or to the extent these Terms provide otherwise, you are responsible for all losses and expenses incurred on your account as a result of sharing your Login Credentials or failing to keep your account or Login Credentials secure.

5.2. What are my responsibilities related to Game Currency? (Pay incident taxes; verify all transactions with us, etc.)

You are solely responsible for the payment of any incident taxes related to the acquisition, use, or access to Game Currency. Game Currency may be sold or issued by us in packages, and the price may vary depending on the value you purchase and where you are purchasing from. As we deem necessary at our discretion (or as prescribed by law), we may limit the total value of Game Currency that can be purchased for any game or the total Game Currency that can be held in your account. Additionally, the price and availability of Game Currency and Virtual Products are subject to change with future effect. We may restrict the Game Currency you can purchase and/or use based on your location, as we have different approaches in different locations.

You should verify that the correct amount of Game Currency has been added or deducted from your account during any transaction. Notify us immediately if you believe an error has been made regarding your Game Currency balance. We will investigate your claim and, in doing so, may request further information for verification.


6.1. Can I submit ideas to improve the Game? (Yes. If you do, we will have the absolute right to use them forever.)

We value your feedback on the Services, but please note that if you submit ideas, suggestions, or creative materials to us, we may freely use any of those Ideas you provide. This policy aims to prevent potential misunderstandings or conflicts in case the Services eventually appear similar to Ideas submitted by individuals. We will have permission to use all or some of your Ideas for any reason we choose and without any payment to you.

In legal terms, this means that if you send us Ideas (Solicited or Unsolicited by us), you are granting us a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, sublicensable, transferable, assignable, non-exclusive, and royalty-free right and license to use, reproduce, distribute, adapt, modify, translate, create derivative works, publicly perform, publicly display, digitally perform, make, have made, sell, offer for sale, and import your Ideas, including all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, industrial property rights, and all other intellectual and proprietary rights related, in any media currently known or to be developed in the future, for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, including giving the Ideas to others, without any compensation to you. To the extent necessary, you agree to sign and deliver any and all documents and perform any and all acts necessary or desirable to ensure that the rights to use the Ideas granted to us, as specified above, are valid, effective, and enforceable, thus waiving any claim that requires - and promising never to claim - the fulfillment of such rights, including moral rights, to the maximum extent permitted by the laws of your region.


7.1. Can I 'troll', insult, threaten, or harass people while using Ninja Mobile Services? (No. If you do that, we may take actions like canceling your account.)

To be eligible to enjoy Ninja Mobile Services, you must comply with all laws, rules, and regulations of the region where you reside. You must also comply with the acceptable use policies and behavior that we periodically publish on our websites, apps, and games, and the behavior rules listed below (collectively referred to as "User Rules"). The User Rules published on our websites, apps, and games or set forth in this Clause are not exhaustive, and Ninja Mobile reserves the right to modify them and take appropriate disciplinary action, including temporary bans, suspension, or termination and deletion of the account to protect the integrity and spirit of Ninja Mobile Services, regardless of whether specific behavior is listed in the User Rules as inappropriate.

The following are examples of behavior that justify disciplinary measures:

  1. Impersonating any person, company, or entity, including a Ninja Mobile employee, or communicating in any way that appears to originate from Ninja Mobile;
  2. Publicly posting identification information about yourself, Ninja Mobile employees, or other players;
  3. Harassing, stalking, or threatening other players or Ninja Mobile employees;
  4. Removing, altering, or hiding any copyright, trademark, patent, or other proprietary rights notice of Ninja Mobile contained in Ninja Mobile Services. You also may not transmit content that violates or infringes third-party rights, including patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, image rights, personal rights, or other rights;
  5. Engaging in any behavior that we reasonably believe to be reprehensible or offensive to players, including communications or conduct that is illegal, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, or racially, ethically, or otherwise objectionable;
  6. Transmitting or facilitating the transmission of any content that contains viruses, corrupted data, Trojan horse, keystroke logger, worm, time bomb, cancelbot, or other computer programs or codes intended to damage and/or actually damage, interfere harmfully, and secretly intercept or extract, nullify, or steal any system, data, or personal information;
  7. Avoiding, diverting, removing, disabling, damaging, decoding, or otherwise circumventing any technological measure implemented by Ninja Mobile or any third party to protect or control access to Ninja Mobile Services or any part thereof;
  8. Sending spam, whether for personal or commercial purposes, disrupting the flow of conversation with repeated posts;
  9. Engaging in any action that we reasonably believe may be deceiving or is deceiving any other player, including through scam or social engineering;
  10. Using unauthorized third-party programs, including mods, hacks, cheats, scripts, bots, trainers, and automation programs that interact with Ninja Mobile Services in any way, for any purpose, including any unauthorized third-party programs that intercept, emulate, or redirect any communication related to Ninja Mobile Services and any unauthorized third-party programs that collect information about Ninja Mobile Services by reading memory areas used by Ninja Mobile Services to store information;
  11. Accessing or attempting to access areas of Ninja Mobile Services that have not been made available to the public;
  12. Choosing an account or username that is falsely indicative of an association with Ninja Mobile, contains personal identification information, or that is offensive, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, racially or ethically censorable, or otherwise objectionable. You may not use spelling errors or alternative spelling to circumvent this restriction in name choices, such as usernames. Ninja Mobile may modify any name that, at the sole discretion of Ninja Mobile, violates this clause, without notifying you, and may take other disciplinary actions, including account termination for repeated violations;
  13. Not participating, logging out, or quitting during an active match. Ninja Mobile may track this data over time and temporarily ban a player when it is determined that they have quit a match too many times. The duration of the temporary ban will increase over time if a particular account continues to quit an active match;
  14. Playing on someone else's account or engaging in activities intended to "boost" the status or ranking of an account;
  15. Inducing or encouraging others to violate the User Rules or these Terms; or
  16. Using Ninja Mobile Services for any commercial purpose without our express written consent or after we have requested that you stop using Ninja Mobile Services.


8.1. Am I responsible for the content I post on Ninja Mobile Services? (Yes, and we can use what you post.)

In addition to Unsolicited Ideas (addressed separately in Clause 6 above), you are also responsible for any other communications, usernames, images, sounds, or other materials and information that you create, send, use, or transmit with or through Ninja Mobile Services ("Your Content").

You should upload or transmit Your Content only if you agree that:

  1. You grant us, from the moment of uploading or transmitting Your Content, a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, sublicensable, non-exclusive, royalty-free right and license, as well as a license to use, reproduce, distribute, adapt, modify, translate, create derivative works, publicly perform, publicly display, digitally perform, make, have made, and import Your Content, including all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, industrial rights, and all other intellectual property rights and proprietary rights related to them, for the purpose of providing Ninja Mobile Services without any compensation to you;
  2. You waive any moral rights you may have regarding Your Content concerning the use we make of Your Content, to the maximum extent permitted by the laws of your region. If local laws do not allow a waiver of moral rights, instead, you grant Ninja Mobile the right to use Your Content as well as all elements of Your Content, with or without your name or pseudonym, as well as the right to freely edit Your Content.
  3. You declare, warrant, and agree that no part of Your Content will be subject to any obligation, whether of confidentiality, attribution, or otherwise, on the part of Ninja Mobile, and that Ninja Mobile will not be responsible for any use or disclosure of Your Content.
  4. You further declare, warrant, and agree that Your Content will not violate any third-party rights.


9.1. Does Ninja Mobile monitor me while using Ninja Mobile Services? (Yes. Read the Privacy Policy for more information.)

We may actively monitor the use of Ninja Mobile Services (but are not obligated to do so) on our own servers as well as on your computer or device, for various reasons, including the prevention of cheating and hacking, reduction of toxic player behavior, and improvement of Ninja Mobile Services. Please make sure to read the Privacy Policy for important details on how we obtain and process information regarding the use of Ninja Mobile Services.

9.2. Does Ninja Mobile run programs on my device when I'm not using Ninja Mobile Services? (We may, for limited anti-cheating purposes.)

To prevent cheating and hacking, we may require you to install anti-cheating software. This software may run in the background on your device.


10.1. Will these Terms be changed in the future? (Yes.)

We may create (and probably will create) updated versions of these Terms in the future as Ninja Mobile Services and applicable laws evolve. When we do, we will inform you of the new contract that will replace these Terms. You will have a reasonable time and opportunity to review any new contract we present to you and decide whether you agree to the revised terms. If you accept the new contract, you can continue to use Ninja Mobile Services. If you reject the new contract, you can no longer use Ninja Mobile Services.

10.2. Will Ninja Mobile Services remain the same? (No. Like a Ninja, they will evolve.)

In an effort to constantly improve Ninja Mobile Services, promote the evolution of our games, and keep Ninja Mobile Services safe, fun, and protected, you agree that we may change, modify, update, suspend, "nerf," or restrict your access to any features or parts of Ninja Mobile Services, including Virtual Products (for example, we may change some features of Virtual Products for regulatory or legal reasons or to improve the gaming experience), and we may require you to download and install software and updates for any necessary software to support Ninja Mobile Services at any time, without liability to you, to the extent permitted by law. You also understand and agree that these changes or updates to Ninja Mobile Services may change the system specifications necessary to play our games, and in that case, you, and not Ninja Mobile, will be responsible for purchasing any additional software or hardware necessary to access and play our games. You also understand and agree that we may use background patches to automatically update our games and software with or without prior notice.


11.1. What about links in Ninja Mobile Services? Are they safe? (Like Bard's magical journeys, you may encounter something dangerous waiting for you on the other side. Proceed with caution.)

Ninja Mobile Services may contain links to websites operated by third parties. Again, we do not own or operate these other sites. We provide these links for your convenience, or other users may be posting these links as user-provided content. Use these links and the corresponding external sites at your own risk. We do not control the linked sites and are not responsible for the content available on them. These links do not imply our endorsement of information or materials on any other site.


13.1. Does Ninja Mobile offer warranties on Ninja Mobile Services? (It depends on where you are -- get ready for more lawyers yelling!)

We are not responsible for your installation and use, as well as the results obtained from Ninja Mobile Services (no matter where you are located).

Also, if you are located in North, Central, or South America:

Ninja Mobile Services are provided to you "as is" and "as available," without warranties or representations of any kind, express or implied. You assume total responsibility for your use of Ninja Mobile Services. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Ninja Mobile disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, that may apply to Ninja Mobile Services, including implied warranties of title, non-infringement, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and any warranties arising from trade, performance, or business practices, as well as any warranties regarding the accuracy, reliability, or quality of any content or information contained in Ninja Mobile Services.


19.1. What can I do if I have questions about Ninja Mobile Services? (You can email us.)

If you have any questions about Ninja Mobile Services, or if you wish to contact us for any other reason, please contact support at the address: ninjamobile.help@gmail.com

19.5. Do these Terms mean we are partners? (Not in the legal sense, no.)

You agree that there is no joint venture, partnership, employment relationship, or representation between you and Ninja Mobile arising from these Terms or the use of Ninja Mobile Services.

19.6. If I violate these Terms and Ninja Mobile does nothing for a long time, does that mean I'm off the hook? (No. We reserve all our rights.)

The fact that Ninja Mobile fails to enforce any provision of these Terms should not be interpreted as a present or future waiver of that provision, and it will not in any way affect the right of any party to require the fulfillment of each of these provisions later. Any waiver by Ninja Mobile of any provision, condition, or requirement of these Terms will not constitute a waiver of any future obligation to comply with such provision, condition, or requirement.

19.10. If part of these Terms is invalidated, what happens to the rest? (Like Zac, these Terms may lose a part or two, but what remains will stay alive.)

Unless otherwise provided in these Terms, if any provision of these Terms is deemed invalid or unenforceable for any reason, such provision will be deemed separate from these Terms, and the remaining provisions will remain in full force.

19.12. How long does this contract last? (As long as you use Ninja Mobile Services or until your account is terminated. However, some provisions were "resurrected" in Chronoshift and last forever.)

These Terms begin on the date you first accept them and will remain valid as long as you use or maintain an account on Ninja Mobile Services. However, Clauses 2.3, 3.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 5.1, 6, 8, and 13-18 inclusive, will survive the termination of these Terms.


Use of HTML, design, and content of Ninja Mobile.

By using Ninja Mobile Services, we may offer you opportunities to acquire a limited license to access virtual goods, such as champions, skins, emotes, etc., ("Virtual Products") and in-game currency ("Game Currency"), associated with your account (collectively referred to as "Virtual Content").

By using Ninja Mobile, the user agrees not to use any element of HTML, design, or content from the site without the proper permission from its owners. In case of non-compliance with this obligation by the user, they will be notified to remove any content they have improperly appropriated within 48 hours, under penalty of taking all legal measures available.

News Posting

All news posted on Ninja Mobile is for exclusive use on the site, unless another source is cited, and its reference is allowed in any medium, provided it is reproduced in its entirety, and Ninja Mobile is cited as the source.

Download of Multimedia and Possible Incompatibilities and/or Damages

By using Ninja Mobile, the user acknowledges and agrees that under no circumstances can the Ninja Mobile site, as well as its responsible team or any individuals or sites related to it, be held responsible for any user or party legitimized by the occurrence of any direct, indirect, potential, or other damages resulting from the use or incompatibility of this site or any of its links, further affirming that the user is already aware of the possibility - even if all necessary diligences are taken by the team for the proper functioning of the program - of such damages and/or incompatibilities occurring.

By downloading any media or image, the user also affirms that they own the original material, or in the event of not owning it, undertakes to delete the said media within 24 hours, for which Ninja Mobile is not responsible for the actions and/or omissions of its users.

Use of the "Ninja Mobile" System

The developers reserve the right to act, define, alter, and perform any other actions involving the system of the Ninja Mobile game/site. This means that changes without prior notice may be made, and previously clarified actions may or may not be applied. As well as eventualities found in any system, such as changes in servers/domains and others that are not within their jurisdiction, such as server connection drops, external attacks, events in physical installations where the system is located, among others. Users who are granted the right to access, navigate, and play the Ninja Mobile system by continuing access to Ninja Mobile on any domains owned by the same developers assume these risks and accept not to hold the developers responsible for these eventualities, as no system is immune to failures and other circumstances mentioned or not mentioned here. The developers undertake to keep the system's functionalities working for the most part but still reserve the right not to act on any reimbursements derived from any failure in it, aiming for the best progress for the system as a whole and not for individuals in isolated or medium-scale cases.